• Tel: 01-4335586
  • info@dirdtu.edu.np
  • Kirtipur, Kathmandu
Sunday April 28, 2024
Department of International Relations and Diplomacy
अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्ध तथा कूटनीति विभाग
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur

About Us

The Department of International Relations and Diplomacy (DIRD) began as a two-year Master’s Program in 2013 within the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Tribhuvan University. The Doctoral course on International Relations and Diplomacy was simultaneously introduced in 2018, with a goal to encourage and publish original and rigorous research in the field. DIRD adopts an interdisciplinary approach towards global politics and economy, and aligns an in-depth study of foreign policy and diplomacy, with special courses designed towards understanding Nepal’s foreign policy behavior and diplomatic practices.

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Message from Program Coordinator

Namaste and warm greetings to everyone,
The Master’s Program in International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD) established in 2013 is the first academic institution in Nepal providing a degree on foreign affairs and stand out as one of the most sought-after academic programs in the country. Accordingly, MIRD was upgraded into the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy (DIRD) in 2019 and began offering PhD degree as well.

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DIRD Program

Master’s Program

Through a rigorous program of lectures, seminars and research activities, the four-semester, Masters in Arts program in International Relations and Diplomacy consists a wide range of subjects that delves into contemporary discourses on foreign affairs. The program strives to impart theoretical, methodological, and practical set of knowledge and skills to the graduates.

MPhil-PhD Program

Admission to the MIRD is based upon the academic and personal qualifications of applicants. The candidate selection process is highly competitive. The program intends to enroll up to 50 qualified students each year in each session. The Dean Office of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences will conduct entrance test to select best candidates among prospective students


विद्यार्थीले https://entrance.tufohss.edu.np वेभ पेजमा देखिएको Registration Form मा आफ्नो व्यक्तिगत ईमेल, मोवाईल नम्बर तथा मागेको अन्य विवरण भरी नयाँ Password Create गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । यो विवरण भरेर Register मा Click गर्नासाथै विद्यार्थीले उल्लेख गरेको मोवाईल नम्बरमा OTP Number सहितको म्यासेज आउने छ । विद्यार्थीले पेजको माथिल्लो भागको दाँयातर्फ रहेको login मा Click गरी आफ्नो Email Address तथा Password लेखेर Click गरेपछी Entrance Form को Dash Board देखापर्नेछ ।